Cilt:49 Sayı:66 Yıl:2017Annales de La Faculte de Droit D'Istanbul
Résumé Comparatif des Règles Régissant le Contrôle du Contribuable dans les Systèmes de Droit Fiscal en Turquie et en France / Sayfalar: 7-25
Mahmut Kaşıkcı
Une Évaluation Actuelle Relative Aux Délits De Contrebande Fiscale- Problème Et Les Problématiques Lies Aux Délits Fiscaux Selon La Loi Pénale Turque Numéro 5327* / Sayfalar: 27-42
Mahmut Kaşıkçı
Witholding Tax Problems in Independent Personal Services Income of Persons Resident In Foreigin Countries – Example of United States of America – Turkey Double Taxation Agreement / Sayfalar: 43-54
Altan Rençber
The Extension of Arbitration Agreements to Non-Signatories in International Commercial Arbitration / Sayfalar: 55-90
Begüm Yiğit
The Eu-Turkey “Refugee Deal”: A New Way of Responsibility-Sharing or the Collapse of the International System for the Protection of Refugees? / Sayfalar: 91-151
Ceren Elitez
Thoughts on an Advance Tax Ruling Given about the Recognition as an Expense of Compensation Paid Pursuant to Foreign Arbitration Awards / Sayfalar: 153-166
İrfan Barlass
Zivilrechtlicher Schutz Gegen Negative Bewertungen Bei Online Handelsplatformen Am Beispiel Ebay Civil Law Protection Against Negative Reviews On Online Trading Platforms Using The Example Of Ebay / Sayfalar: 167-188
Pelin Karaaslan, Ramazan Durgut
Ship Mortgage vs. Maritime Lien What Are The Changes In Favour Of The Mortgagee Under Turkish Law? / Sayfalar: 189-215
Kübra Yetiş Şamlı
Die Charismatische Herrschaft, Recht Und Gewalt: Eine Vergleichende Annäherung / Sayfalar: 217-225
Tolga Candan, Hüsnü Yavuz Aytekin
Das Problem der Pfändbarkeit von Nutzerrechten in den Zollfreigebieten / Sayfalar: 227-233
Oğuz Atalay
%11.250,00 TL1.237,50 TL
%11.250,00 TL1.237,50 TL
%11.250,00 TL1.237,50 TL